




In an effort to add convenience for Kid Explorer Club families, we offer bus service as an optional add-on. Buses will be provided and driven by a fully licensed company in the Chicago, Illinois area used by many local schools and camp organizations. Supervision on the bus rides will be provided at all times by Kid Explorer Club Bus Monitors.

Morgan Park Sports Complex

Kid Explorer Club offers the Extended Day Pre k morning and afternoon program.  Bus service is included to all host sites from schools within 1-6 miles. The bus is complimentary and convenient add-on for families who select to enroll and can be added during the registration process.

Transportation is within 10 miles of the host site. Follow the steps below to check to see if your child’s school is within the 10-mile limit.
Bus Stops are created based upon the student enrollments and school locations.
 Follow the instructions below:

  Click on link here: CPS School Locator ( please note, if your child attends a non Chicago Public School type in the nearest Chicago Public School)
  1. Type in location address of host site (ex. 11505 S. Western, Chicago, IL 60643) (Morgan Park Sports Center))
  2. Click on Find Schools near me (triangle icon located at the top right of the screen) 
  3. Click on Elementary schools
  4. Click on mile drop down and scroll to 10 miles
  5. Click on Elementary schools
  6. Click on nearest local school to your home or your child’s school to confirm transportation eligibility.
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